Functional Fixture RFQ

Requirements for Functional Fixture Quoting & Fabrication

Below is the information needed to provide quotes and build functional test fixtures. Your project will be quoted using a budgetary “worst case” estimate.  The more detailed data you can provide, the more accurate your quote will be.  If you have not completed a test access, or testability, analysis please contact me as early in the process as possible.   

Please provide complete data packages to prevent delays quoting, or starting a fixture build.

1. Statement of Work

The statement of work should describe the type of fixture needed and actuation (press) type (mechanical, pneumatic, or vacuum).

Information such as:

2. PCB Files and Data (same revision and configuration as tested).

The type of data provided will affect fixture build accuracy and cost.  The more engineering required to create or process data, the more your fixture will cost.

3. Other items that need to be considered for fixture quoting

A specific written formal request for deviations or waivers may be required if technical requirements imposed by the information provided, or the Purchase Order, towards the acceptance of the fixture cannot be met during fixture engineering.

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